This picture was taken in 1975, The track is brick dust and the cars still race anti-clockwise as per grass track rules. History The club was founded thirty-three years ago, at its conception it was a grass track club called THE PETERBOROUGH AND DISTRICT GRASS TRACK CAR CLUB. The Circuit was approximately a two thirds of a mile long and we had to employ a chicane to slow the cars to a safer speed. The safety fence at this time was just posts with old tyres threaded on them. Race control was a double Decker bus with lap scorers etc. on the upper deck, and the track was grass this was very good until later in the season when we got lot's of rain and we had to pull some of the cars out who had got stuck while racing. This was endured for a few seasons, until we took the decision to relay the track: we turned the layout through ninety degrees, made it shorter and laid brick dust to make a shale type track. Also at this time-changed its name to MOTOR SPORTS PROMOTIONS. The surface was a big improvement on the old dirt track but it still was not ideal, the corners rutted very badly. In 1976 the decision was taken to lay concrete on the pits bend as this was the worst affected. the following year the city bend came in for the same treatment, the straight still being brick dust, as each year went by a bit more of the straights were laid to concrete until finally in 1982 the circuit was now a hard track and sported an Armco safety barrier. This was when the next name change came about the club now being called Alwalton Raceway Peterborough The next change came in 1992; with the concrete surface starting to crack, it was decided to lay hot rolled asphalt on to the concrete base, (this was the first improvement that was not carried out by the members). The double Decker bus (race control) was also removed at this time and replaced with a two story structure, housing race control on the upper deck and a club shop on the lower level. The club has also purchased their own Ambulance to supplement the St. John Ambulance. We also have our own Fire Engine and four Tractors for breakdowns. Volunteers do all work on the track and the running of race meetings which we would like to give thanks. The circuit is now super smooth and is 536 Yards around. The Hot Rods lap the circuit in less than 17 seconds. The club runs seven formulae :- Hot Rods, Economy Rods, Formula 1400 (Stock Rods), Supastox, Standard Rods, Junior Rods and 2L Bangers. We also host visiting formulae :- The Grand Prix Midgets, National Super Rods. Also, over the years, we have had visits from the Legends and National Sprint Cars.
Alwalton Raceway Peterborough ,1978 in the back ground you can see the first double decker race control
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